Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Edinburgh (aka Ed in Bra)

At long last, here are some snaps from my trip to Edinburgh last month. There's the Edinburgh Castle, the usual cemetary pics, a Braveheart imposter, and random Scottish miscellany (terriers, pigs, etc.).
The city was beautiful, and I much prefer it to Dublin (sorry, ancestors). The haggis isn't that bad if you layer it with brown sauce and potatoes, but I wasn't that fond of the Scottish smoked salmon. The kind you buy at Sainsbury's is better. What else...I really enjoyed the city's macabre history, and the fact that you can hike up a massive hill at the edge of the city.

After Edinburgh I visited Liverpool and Manchester, but I confess that my sightseeing was limited to a pub, bar, Pizza Express, and a screening of "Vicky Cristina Barcelona."


  1. Cool pics. I'm not sure what haggis is, but it doesn't sound good.

  2. Haggis is basically all of the nasty bits (intestines) stuffed into a tube-like thing and then cooked. It tastes like corned beef hash.
